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Saturday, January 29, 2022


    Whether it’s a relationship in turmoil, financial pressure, a lack of health, or problems in a job, negative situations arise because of a lack of gratitude over a long period. If you are not grateful for each thing in your life, you are unintentionally taking those things for granted. Taking things for granted is a major cause of negativity because when you take things for granted you are not giving thanks in return, and you stop the magic happening in your life. Just as giving thanks to others will always lead to your life magically increasing, so must taking things for granted always lead to your life decreasing.

     Are you grateful for your health when it’s good? Or do you only notice your health when your body gets sick or hurts? Are you grateful for your job every day, or do you only value your job when you hear there will be cutbacks? Are you grateful for your pay or salary every single time you receive it, or do you take your pay or salary for granted? Are you grateful for your loved ones when everything is running smoothly, or do you only talk to others about your loved ones when there are problems? Are you grateful when your car is working well? Or do you only think of your car when it breaks down?

Are you grateful to be alive each day? Or do you take your life for granted?

Taking things for granted results in complaining, negative thoughts, and words. So when you complain, by the law of attraction, you must bring more things into your life to complain about!

If you’re complaining about the weather, the traffic, your boss, your spouse, your family, a friend, a stranger, waiting in lines, bills, the economy, the cost of something, or the service of a company, you are not being grateful, and you’re pushing your dream life further away with every complaint.

Now you understand that complaining, negative thoughts and words, and taking things for granted stop the good things in your life. Now you understand that when something goes very wrong you have unintentionally not been grateful enough. It’s impossible to be negative when you’re grateful. It’s impossible to criticize and blame when you’re grateful. It’s impossible to feel sad or have any negative feelings when you’re grateful. And the best news is that if you have any negative situations in your life currently, it won’t take a long period to transform them with gratitude. The negative situations will disappear in a puff of smoke – just like magic!

  First, as difficult as it may be, you have to look for things to be grateful for in a negative situation. No matter how bad things are, you can always find something to be grateful for, especially when you know that your gratitude will magically transform every negative circumstance. 

  I played "The Glad Game"  through my childhood and adolescence. To play the glad game, you look for as many things as you can to be glad about, especially in a negative situation. Finding things to be glad about.  Finding things to be grateful for in a negative situation make the solutions appear.

This is what you do. Take one problem or negative situation in your life that you most want to resolve, and look for ten things to be grateful for. I know it can be challenging to begin this practice.  Make a written list of ten things on your computer or in your gratitude book.

   As an example, your problem might be that your salary has been suspended, and despite your best efforts, you’re still unable to get it reinstated. To magically turn this situation around, you have to do a concentrated practice of gratitude on the situation. Here are some examples of what you might say:

1. I am so grateful to have experienced what people who have no source of income go through during this period. 

2. I’m grateful that my life is in a lot better order because of the experiences I’ve had. 

3. I am grateful that I’ve had a salary most of my life, and that I am experienced. 

4. I am truly grateful that this is the first time I’ve been without a salary. 

5. I’m grateful that there are jobs out there, and more new paying jobs are appearing each day. 

6. I am grateful for all the things I’ve learned in applying for jobs and in going for interviews. 

7. I am grateful that I have my health and that I can work. 

8. I’m grateful for my family’s encouragement and support. 

9. I’m grateful for the rest I’ve had because I needed it. 

10. I’m grateful that through losing my salary, I’ve realized how much having a salary means to me. I had never realized that until now. 

     As a result of your gratitude, they will attract different circumstances, and your current situation must and will magically change. The power of gratitude is greater than any negative situation, and there are unlimited ways that the negative situation can change. All you have to do is practice gratitude in any negative situation and watch the magic take place.

    Remember, you can tell your gratitude is working by the way that you feel. You should feel a lot better about the situation after practicing gratitude. The first evidence of gratitude’s magical power working is your feelings lifting, so when you do feel better about it, you know the situation will improve and the solutions will appear. The answer to any negative situation you want to resolve is to focus concentrated gratitude on it until you feel better inside; then you will see the magic work its wonder in the outside world.

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