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Tuesday, July 13, 2021


It is very easy to develop the habit of self-discipline. The regular practice of disciplining yourself to do what you should do, when you should do it, whether you feel like it or not becomes stronger and stronger as you practice  it. You refuse to make excuses.

 Bad habits are easy to form, but hard to live with. Good habits are hard to form, but easy to live with. And as Goethe said, “Everything is hard before it’s easy.”

  It is hard to form the habits of self-discipline, self-mastery, and self-control, but once you have developed

them, they become automatic and easy to practice. When the habits of self-discipline are firmly entrenched in your behavior, you start to feel uncomfortable when you are not behaving in a self-disciplined manner.

  The best news is that all habits are learnable. You can learn any habit you need to learn in order to become the kind of person that you want to become. You can become an excellent person by practicing self-discipline whenever it is called for.

   Every practice of self-discipline strengthens every other discipline. Unfortunately, every weakness in discipline weakens your other disciplines as well.

  To develop the habit of self-discipline,

you first make a firm decision

about how you will behave in a particular area of activity. You then refuse to allow exceptions until the habit of self-discipline in that area is firmly established. Each time you slip, as you will, you resolve once again to keep practicing self-discipline until it becomes easier for you to behave in a disciplined way than to behave in an undisciplined way.

  Practising self-discipline has the following benefits:

✓ you like and value yourself.

✓you have a greater sense of respect and personal pride.

✓you protect your image and see yourself in a more positive way. You feel happier and more powerful.

  Make no error. Practice makes perfect. You can contact experts if there's need to help impart this great skill (self-discipline)into  your life. Remember, it the greatest key to success.

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