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Monday, January 20, 2020


           Ten Social or behavioral reasons why married men or women still practice infidelity 
   Many couples hope to live happily from the onset of their relationship but time often proves the contrary. Age and certain barriers complicate and as result you find one or both behaving in strange ways to the disadvantage of kids if any. This article reveals the reasons and explain them a bit. It is for you to read and review your behavior in order to bring back the almost lost glory in your marriage. Below are some of the reasons:
1 1)   LACK OF COMMUNICATION OR DIALOGUE. Communication here refers to the ability of the couples to talk over their issues in cordial manner, so that they both understand each other, accept faults, apologize where necessary, plan their future, etc. A couple that discusses their issues amicably , at the appropriate time, with respect of each other’s view, understands each other best, increase their confidence level for each other , greatly reduce suspicion. Love and harmony are bound to reign in such a home. Anyone will find it difficult to cheat on the other since the ill feelings will be felt deep in his or her heart. Some couples talk, but without communication ;that is  the information is passed not perceived in the sense the intended, or the talking is done in a manner of satisfying self, rather than striking a consensus. In such a situation, the level of trust reduces among them and the chances of leaning outside increase. Communication should be harmonious.
2 2)   ANGER. A quick-tempered partner will easily make rash or hash decisions without thinking twice, after a trivial house matter. Most of such decisions are usually to the detriment of the family since one of you want to prove tough. Such a person may decide to sleep outside just because of a minor misunderstanding. Also, a partner who is not used to this quick-tempered and emotional way of life may seek peace elsewhere. Should you discovered that you have quick temperament, you need to be always conscious of it and try to always count from 100  to 1 before taking a decision. Your spouse should also learn to master your countenance, when and how to communicate. Read Ephesians 4: 26-32.   
3 3)  BOREDOM. This is the case with young couples or newly married, when the man is working and the wife is not. As such, she stays all day long at home, may be alone and may entertain herself by watching television or other movies. In not so long a time, she becomes fade up with everything in the house, and will surely need company. Smart ill-mannered guys around may use her situation and exploit her sexually. At first, such guys pose to be very caring good friends to the husband, or even his relatives. Bearing in mind that newly wedded women need a lot of sex, watch out how your friends relate with her, and make sure she has something doing outdoors during the day. Remember, an idle mind is the devil’s workshop.
4 4)   RUNNING WHEN THERE IS A PROBLEM. We have seen and heard in many instances where a wife escapes to her parents because the husband has done this or that, and a few cases, a husband abandoned his home for a hotel or rented apartment claiming his wife is a hell to him. These are actions of cowards, and such decision does not solve a problem, but increases the chances that the abandoned spouse can seek solace outside. Many women are known to have escaped to their parent with the hopes of teaching their husband a lesson, but realize that they had just given a chance for another woman to step in without delay. Many men are also known to have escaped home to rest, but to realize they have just given to wives to welcome home as many men as are available demanding sex from her.  A couple whose age difference is fifteen, should never try any of the above, for, reconciliation will be more difficult. Please, always stay at home and do everything at your at your disposal to solve your problems. Consult a counselor or any of your parents and increase your degree of prayers. Try as much as possible to use dialogue with your spouse as a means of conflict resolution. 
5 5)   LACK OF FORGIVENESS BETWEEN THE COUPLES. Misunderstandings are bound to prevail where two or more persons are living together. The bible asks us to forgive so as to be forgiven, and to judge not, so as not to be judged. A wife or husband who keeps the other one deep at heart starts developing less interest in the other , as such, expresses less and less love for him or her. Love in marriage is not just to be expressed by mouth, but by action, and once it is not coming from the heart; love making will be selfish and one-sided. As a husband or a wife, you should keep pride away before your spouse, and admit your faults, for pride comes before a fall. Such discussions can take place privately, in bed, before, during or after love-making.
6 6)   FALSE ACCUSATIONS. This very much ties with lack of forgiveness, jealousy, and lack of confidence. It is when a spouse is jealous of the other that he/she accusing the other falsely. Such never want even to dream that the spouse waved at another person of the opposite sex. For such people, the spouse will always find it difficult to convince him/her that nothing fishy is transpiring between them. This is how lies-telling comes in between a couple and the devil starts working. Please have confidence in your spouse, forgive him/her even if you saw the evil act, and many more times you do so, the guiltier he/she will feel, and will eventually leave behind such nasty living and remain with you.
7 7)  WOMAN OR MAN IS FADE UP WITH SPOUSE. When the love between a couple is less innovative, then one or both parties may become fade up with each other. Innovations here mean ways of renewing love. These include cost-free statements like  “ I love you, you were just wonderful last night, why have you been hiding this style until today, I have just realized I had not known you, let no man or woman seize you from me, you are more beautiful than ever” etc. Body signs like eye looks, playing games, surprising him/her in a shower etc are equally very important innovative tools. If these are lacking, and intercourse is very often, then fading syndrome will start to come in.
8  8)   HUSBAND SMOKES, LEADING TO VERY BAD MOUTH SMELL. For those who smoke, the odor or bad smell that comes out of their mouth long after they had smoked is more disgusting than the smoke that comes out during smoking. It is actually an uneasy task to kiss such a person, especially deep kissing. Even talking with such a person at close range can only be supported by those who are use to, or do smoke themselves. Such unpleasant environment within a couple greatly reduces the duration of their fore play, and the woman is less like to ever attain orgasm. If she is not very supportive and conscious of her marital faithfulness, she may seek satisfaction outside. If any of the parties should smoke, then he/she should take into consideration the health and interest of the other, and thoroughly brush the mouth with tooth paste, chew some gums etc. This conscious adjustment will eventually lead him or her even quit smoking.
9 9)   IGNORANCE OF SOME WOMEN TO ACKNOWLEDGE THE HUMAN NATURE OF THEIR HUSBANDS.  This is the case of wives of men-of-God, such as pastors. Instead of them doing all they can as housewives to entice and keep their husbands only to themselves, they pretend and think their husbands are angels. These women are suppose to look neatest, most caring, welcoming, hygienic modest, etc. They should know that their husbands are the main objects of attack by the devil, and these men-of-God are exposed to, and being highly envied by many nicer women in the congregations. Instead of these women praying seriously and doing what they ought to be doing for their husbands, to keep them happy and comfortable, they claim they already own them, and that they hold exclusive rights to order them anyhow. Some of them are even wicked to other women in the congregation, are dictatorial during church group meetings, and even claim more rights than the pastor himself. These are attributes that make their husbands to want to think that they made a wrong choice. This is an opening the devil will never let go, and will use and will use his agents in the church to lure the pastor to realize the ‘truth’. These women should accept that pastors are humans, with all human feelings and weaknesses, and their eyes do judge the difference in beauty between their wives and other women.
1 10)                       THE ENVIRONMENT WHERE EITHER OF THE GREW UP AND/OR LIVES IS MORALLY DECAYED. In certain morally decayed environments, having intercourse at any age, with whosoever, is not a sin. It is considered a normal relaxation process, and has no aftermath effects. Such an environment usually results in transit or junction town where many people come in and go out regularly. Prostitution thrives very much here, and more than three quarters of the children born here are bastards, and even married people mess around very carelessly. Anyone who tries to preach the gospel of STDs here is considered an enemy of progress. Churches here will most often be empty, and even the few who go there have very little faith. The wife may be faithful, but husband will not be, or vice-versa and this will eventually result in the faithful party seeing no use being faithful. Such an environment needs spiritual cleansing and very aggressive health education. Watch where and how your children grow up.

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